Danmarks Bedste Bagte Tærte 2022

5. plads

Gunnlaugur Arnar Ingason, La Glace, København

Sådan gør du


250 g Sugar
300 g Butter
60 g Egg
360 g Flour
140 g Oatmeal 45 g gryn og 95 g vand koges op
80 g Linseeds
80 g Sunflowerseed
15 g Baking powder
22 g Vanillasugar

Massarin mass

200 g Butter
200 g Bitter 00 ( Odense)
200 g Egg
200 g Sugar
30 g Flour
10 g Cacaopowder
15 g Lakridspulver

Raspberry gel

220 g Raspberry purre
10 g Lemon juice
25 g Glucose
12 g Trimoline
5 g Pektin
37 g Sugar


800 g Massarinmass
400 g Mørdej
200 g Rapsberrys
100 g Raspberry Gel


Chocolate pynt


Mix all ingredients together on slow speed for ca. 6-7 minutes.

Massarin mass:
Mix bitter, sugar, lakrids and caco together. Add the butter. Add eggs and in the rest add the flour.

Raspberry gel:
Blend sugar and pectin in a bowl. Boil up raspberry, lemon, glucose and trimoline. Add sugar blend and boil for 2 minutes. Pour to silicone mold and freeze

Den færdige kage:
Roll mørdej down to 3.5 mm. Pipe massarin mass in the bottom of the dough. Put raspberrys on top of the massarin and fill up with massarin mass. After bake put on the raspberry gel and chocolate decoration

Vægt: 1500 g
Udbytte: 2 stk.

Tanker bag den udviklede kage

My thoughts about this cake is to make some different. My mørdej is a bit special and the chocolate cake and raspberrys go very well together